The “Analytical” Market spans a huge spectrum of analytical technologies and corresponding instruments within various areas of chemical and physical sciences. It covers a large number of applications within Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry and related areas ranging from classical wet chemistry methods to modern instrument applications.
Since its inception, BAT has been providing wide range of services within this domain. BAT provides the entire range of services from analytical services like method development, validation & sample analysis to product development services like hardware, firmware and software for instruments.
BAT has a well-planned robust infrastructure to support the offering within the Analytical market. The BAT team has experienced professionals from Analytical, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and similar industries thereby creating a big knowledge pool of analytical technologies, instruments and corresponding IT and regulatory compliances.
BAT USP are – customers don’t have to spend too much of time explaining what’s required and as a result of BAT’s wide experience with multiple customers BAT offers significant value addition without compromising customer confidentiality.
Analytical Services
BAT team has solid experience in Method development, Method validation and Sample Analysis for the different industrial sectors like Pharma, CRO’s, Health-care, Food Safety etc. BAT laboratory is well equipped with all the necessary instruments like LC MSMS, LC TOFMS, UPLC, HPLC, UV-VIS, PCR, etc. with wet lab. BAT has been providing the end to end solutions from Sample preparation till the Analysis methods. All the laboratory processes are based on the standard industrial guidelines like GLP and US FDA. BAT has the capability to perform the method development activity by Quality by Design(QBD) approach.
Application development and support areas
Computer System Validation
Computer System validation (CSV) and Excel sheet validation are the areas where BAT has started contributing since year 2007-2008. This is mainly required by the Pharma and healthcare segments. As per the US FDA guidelines, third party CSV is preferred over in-house CSV. The key strength of BAT in performing the CSV is the knowledge of the regulatory requirements and experience in performing the CSV activities. The CSV methodology is broadly divided into two parts i.e. Planning and Execution. Unique strength of BAT in this area is more than a decade of experience in the software development and testing in these regulatory market.
BAT caters to the stand alone systems as well as network base system (Client – Server).
Instrument Software & Hardware
BAT is active in this domain since its yesteryears. BAT has resource pools that can provide the unique combination of the software developers and testers supported by subject matter experts. BAT is catering to the world’s Top Analytical instrument manufacturers for the software and hardware development, verification & validation services like HPLC, UPLC, Mass Spectrometer, Microscopes, Spectro-photometers. BAT also supports the customers for the technical documentation like preparing the help files, user manuals, standard test protocols, release notes etc.
BAT team is experienced in instrument driver development and integration projects. This helps the customers/ end users to seamlessly carry out the complete analysis work flow with increased utilization of the new instruments.
BAT has been providing services and solutions to various LIMS vendors. BAT is engaged on long term basis for a very prominent LIMS catering to new features development, maintenance, instrument driver integration, custom application development, implementation and technology transformation of the product.
BAT supports customers’ customers in integrating different instruments with their LIMS assuring seamless data flow and data integrity adhering to regulatory compliances.
Bespoke Application Development
BAT provides bespoke development services for instrument manufacturers as well as the end users addressing various functional and especially non-functional requirements that determine the quality of the solution. BAT supports customization and integration for applications like ERP, LIMS, E-Lab notebook and bespoke development as per the end user requirements. This customization helps customer develop and deploy an adaptable solution supporting their key business objectives. BAT adds value on account of in depth understanding of laboratory workflows, architectural prowess, robust development processes and rich experience in this niche domain including compliances.
BAT provides the training on the high end instrument as well as on procedural aspects like compliance and validation.
Success Stories